Today, my co-defendants Nora Collins, Karenna Gore, Dave Publow, Sophia Wilansky, Callista Womick, and I appeared in court in West Roxbury, MA. We remain steadfast in our refusal to accept a plea bargain and are determined to proceed to a jury trial. Our next court date has been scheduled for September 6th.

I am personally looking forward to presenting our case to a jury comprised of ordinary citizens who will have the opportunity to assess whether our actions were justified. We believe that our government has failed to adequately address the threat posed by Spectra’s activities in West Roxbury and their detrimental impact on our global climate. Despite opposition from every elected official representing West Roxbury, the project has proceeded, compelling us to engage in civil disobedience to safeguard our communities.

The excavation taking place is not merely for a pipeline trench; it symbolizes a mass grave. In an era marked by the anticipation of mass graves, we recognize that each new fossil fuel project commits us to burning fossil fuels for decades, leading to further devastation worldwide. Therefore, our resistance is a necessary response to protect both our local community and the planet as a whole.